Quartr Core
The most convenient desktop research tool for serious and qualitatively focused private investors.
Easily keep track of updates and events from 12,000+ companies globally
Calls, transcripts, reports, and slides
Get seamless access to live and recorded earnings calls, investor conferences, and official announcements from public companies around the globe. All events are available with its accompanying documents, such as transcripts, earnings reports, and slide decks.
Quartr Core provides unparalleled global access to audio-connected transcripts, allowing you to easily read, keyword search, and save highlights from events like earnings calls, capital markets days, and investor conferences.
Activity feed
Stay informed by easily keeping track of earnings calls going live and slide decks, transcripts, and earnings reports being published. Quartr Core offers a real-time feed covering all updates from the public companies you follow.
Your personal earnings calendar
Cancel out the noise during earnings season with a tailored calendar overview of the upcoming or previous day, week, or month. It is also syncable with Outlook and Google Calendar.
Take notes and collect valuable pieces of information such as transcript highlights and slides using drag & drop. For the first time, you can now do your qualitative research and store your findings on the same platform.
Start your free 7-day trial today!
Take the qualitative side of your company research to the next level
External mentions
Track external mentions of the companies you follow straight from each company profile.
Selected financials
Access detailed earnings estimates and company-specific segment data.
Transcript highlights
Easily create and save transcript highlights in your personal content library.
Key slides
Get up to speed with a new company in minutes by studying its key slides – automatically curated using AI.
A detailed overview of what Quartr Core offers
Always in sync
Combine the desktop excellence of Quartr Core with the on-the-go convenience of our mobile app. Your followed companies, saved transcript highlights, and listening progression is always in sync across your devices.