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Q1 2024 TU

B&S Group
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Q1 2024 TU

14 May, 2024
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H2 2023

16 Apr, 2024
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B&S Group S.A. is a global distributor of consumer goods, operating across various segments including B&S Liquors, B&S Beauty, B&S Personal Care, B&S Food, B&S Health, and B&S Retail. The company disitributes a wide range of branded products—from liquors, fragrances, cosmetics, personal and home care items, food and beverages, to medical products and consumer electronics—to a variety of markets. These markets include wholesalers, consumers, e-commerce platforms, duty-free locations, remote areas, retail, maritime sectors, and travel locations. B&S Group specializes in connecting suppliers with customers worldwide, particularly in channels and specialized markets where linking parties might otherwise be challenging. This includes retail (both B2B and B2C contexts), maritime (such as ship suppliers and cruise lines), remote locations (catering to industrial sites, peacekeeping missions, government and defense operations), and specialty retail markets. The company is headquartered in Betzdorf, Luxembourg, and its shares are listed on the Euronext Amsterdam.