Logo for Indian Energy Exchange Limited

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Logo for Indian Energy Exchange Limited

Q4 2024

Indian Energy Exchange
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Q1 2025

26 Jul, 2024
Logo for Indian Energy Exchange

Q4 2024

16 May, 2024
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Indian Energy Exchange Limited (IEX) operates as a premier energy trading platform in India, facilitating the buying and selling of electricity. As a critical component of the Indian power sector's infrastructure, IEX provides a transparent and efficient platform for the trading of electricity, renewable energy certificates, and energy-saving certificates. The exchange plays a role in balancing demand and supply in the power market, offering various products such as day-ahead, term-ahead, and real-time market trading. By enabling market participants, including power producers, distributors, industries, and commercial entities, to trade electricity, IEX contributes to the optimization of resource allocation and price discovery in the energy market. The company is headquartered in New Delhi and its shares are listed on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).