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Soluna Holdings Inc
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15 Aug, 2024
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16 May, 2024
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Soluna Holdings, Inc. (SLNH) specializes in the development of green data centers that leverage excess renewable energy to power global computing resources. As a pioneering company in this field, Soluna constructs modular and scalable data centers designed for computing-intensive, batchable applications, including cryptocurrency mining, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning. These green data centers represent a unique integration of renewable energy sources with high-demand computing tasks, aiming to offer a sustainable solution to the energy consumption challenges faced by the computing industry. The company operates through two main segments: Cryptocurrency Mining and Data Center Hosting, indicating a broad approach to its business model that encompasses both the creation of cryptocurrency through mining operations and the provision of infrastructure for data center services. Soluna Holdings, Inc. is headquartered in Albany, New York, and its shares are listed on the Nasdaq.