Workspaces: Enhancing Creativity and Collaboration

1 minutes reading time
Published 21 Dec 2023
Reviewed by: Peter Westberg
Updated 7 Aug 2024

Creating, saving, and collaborating when doing fundamental financial research typically include using multiple different platforms. One for the research material, one for taking notes, and one for building your cases and collaborative work, et cetera. You get it. But luckily, it doesn’t have to be this way anymore thanks to: Workspaces.

Create, Save, and Collaborate Like Never Before

Workspaces is a feature in Quartr Pro designed to enhance the way you create, save, and share your work. It enables you to consume all first-party data from public companies and create your work on the same platform. Imagine the ease of dragging and dropping elements you’ve saved, like separate report pages, slides, or transcript snippets straight into your Workspace project, then adding your own notes and comments.

Whether it’s jotting down quick notes or crafting comprehensive reports and investment cases – Workspaces is tailored to suit a wide range of tasks. The feature offers the capability to keep your insights private, or to elevate teamwork by sharing your projects with colleagues. Moreover, it guarantees that all your valuable work is securely stored on the same platform.

Why Workspaces?

Think of Workspaces like cutting out the middleman. No more visiting the investor relations sites of thousands of companies, going through the material – and taking notes, remembering specific report pages, saving transcript snippets, and slides in a Word or Google document. Everything can now be done in a much more streamlined way with Workspaces – and it's available in both Quartr Core and Quartr Pro plans.

Organize Your Public Market Research

You probably have countless different documents with research material on your computer: messy self-transcribed earnings call snippets, low-resolution screenshots from reports and slide presentations, coupled with various other insights you’ve picked up with researching.

Our suggestion is creating separate projects for every company and industry you’re interested in. Perhaps even separate ones for every quarter. Then dragging and dropping your saved items into these throughout the research process, leaving you with a clean library of research – organized company by company, or industry by industry.

In Conclusion

By centralizing and streamlining the process of creating, saving, and collaborating on research projects, Workspaces eliminates the need for multiple platforms and cluttered documentation. With its intuitive design, you can easily organize your research the way you like, ensuring that every piece of information is readily accessible and neatly arranged.

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