Best new Quartr Pro features & use cases

1 minutes reading time
Published 7 Feb 2024
Reviewed by: Peter Westberg
Updated 26 Jun 2024

As I reflect on Quartr's journey from my perspective as CPO and one of the co-founders, I'm reminded of the many milestones we've reached and the incredible support we've received from both our users and the broader financial community. We introduced a wealth of new updates and features during the last year. I've highlighted some of the best (and our personal favorites!) in the article below. These enhancements are all designed to help finance professionals integrate real-world corporate narratives into their analysis more effectively.

We'll be covering:

  • Searchable slides, transcripts, and reports

  • Tagged slides

  • Earnings calendar

  • Topics

  • History mode

  • Synced mobile <-> web experience

  • Mentioned by

  • Activity feed

  • Live calls with live transcripts

  • Personalized content library

  • Workspaces

1. Searchable slides, transcripts, and reports

This is definitely one of our users' favorite features. Now, every mention in company events, including earnings calls, capital market days, and investor conferences, as well as in accompanying slide decks and earnings reports, is fully searchable through one powerful search engine. With the added benefit of filtering options for companies, industries, and market, Quartr Pro allows you to pinpoint any topic of interest across the public markets with just a few keystrokes.

Quartr Pro Search

2. Tagged slides

We've extracted slides from the PDFs of over 10,000 public companies, making each mention on every slide in our database – spanning millions of slides – individually searchable for any keyword. We've also tagged each slide based on its content, allowing you to search for terms like "Financial Target" and access all slides on this topic across the public markets in seconds.

For added precision and ease in pinpointing topics related to specific markets, industries, or companies, filtering options are available. For example, you can search for "Outlook" and filter results for "Airlines" and content published within the last 90 days. This allows for effortless analysis of recent trends, providing an incredibly efficient way to stay updated on any company, industry, or topic in the public markets.

3. Earnings calendar – stay informed at all times from any device

Cancel out the noise during earnings seasons by getting a tailored calendar overview of the upcoming or previous day, week, or month. With custom filters, you can tailor the experience to fit your needs. It is also syncable with Outlook and Google Calendar.

4. Topics – optimize efficiency with AI summarized Q&As

Another one of the most appreciated features from our users, allowing you to get up to speed with the consensus view on entire industries or specific groups of companies in minutes instead of hours. Topics, powered by AI, provides an aggregated view of the most debated and relevant talking points from your chosen group of companies' most recent Q&A session.

Quartr Pro Topics

5. History mode – track changes of company narratives over time

This feature allows you to track the evolution of companies' most commonly used slides. Compare past outlooks and goals with the actual outcomes and easily study how certain KPIs such as market shares or product splits have evolved over time. Does the company still focus on and disclose the same KPIs as in the past?

Quartr Pro history mode

6. Synced mobile <-> web experience

Our commitment to crafting an amazing omnichannel experience remains as strong as ever. Now, every company you follow on Quartr Pro will instantly sync with the mobile app and vice versa. This seamless synchronization includes not only the companies you follow but also extends to your personally crafted keyword alerts, the Quartr earnings calendar, and your stored highlights.

7. Mentioned by – easily track external mentions

Track new external mentions of any company straight from its profile page, whether from its customers, suppliers, competitors, or other market participants. To truly understand a company's competitive advantages, you have to learn where it fits in the industry value chain.

8. Activity feed

An all-new activity feed has been added to the homepage that keeps you updated with the latest news from the companies you're following. Whether it's new transcripts or press releases being published, audio recordings, or an event going live, you'll be the first to know.

Quartr Pro activity feed

9. Live calls with live transcripts – an unmatched live experience

With this launch, we not only become the financial research platform worldwide that provides complete transcripts of company events the quickest but also the first open platform to offer live transcripts. So, how does this benefit you?

Earnings calls, capital market days, and investor conferences are all pivotal events where corporate executives frequently share insights into future prospects and strategic choices. With Quartr, you'll be the first to access this often crucial information. After all, successful investment decisions rely on accuracy, confidence, and speed.

10. Personalized content library

You can now seamlessly bookmark and revisit transcript paragraphs, slides, and specific reports. We've recently enhanced this feature by adding folders, enabling you to better organize your saved items.

For example, you can now save specific quotes and slides into industry- and company-specific folders, streamlining your research process. This also enhances collaboration, as you can share these folders with colleagues or group members. Dive back into your essential content anytime with ease. Save today, revisit tomorrow.

11. Workspaces – research, create, and collaborate on the same platform

A feature designed to enhance the way you create, save, and share your work. Workspaces enables you to consume all first-party data from public companies and create your work on the same platform. For instance, you can easily drag and drop elements like slides or transcript snippets into your workspace, simplifying the integration of first-party data into your work.

Tailored for flexibility, Workspaces is ideal for various tasks, from quick note-taking to crafting detailed reports or investment cases. It allows you to keep your insights private or enhance teamwork by sharing your workspace with your peers, while also ensuring all your work is securely stored on the same platform. Lastly, material dragged into Workspaces links back to its original documents such as slide decks, transcripts, and reports, making it seamless to jump back directly to the original sources.

Quartr Pro Workspaces

Used by leading financial institutions globally

We couldn't be happier with our first year as a company in the commercial phase (2023). We've successfully partnered with the majority of the big banks and investment banks in the Nordics, including notable names like Swedbank, Handelsbanken, SEB, and Carnegie. Our client base has also expanded to include several prestigious Fortune 500 companies. Looking ahead, we're excited to build on this momentum and deliver even greater value to our users in 2024.

As one of my fellow co-founders, active as our Head of Corporate Relationships, David is always up for a quick demo if you want to learn more about Quartr Pro. You can also of course shoot him a message on LinkedIn.

Last but not least, thanks for an incredible year, and happy researching!

Oscar Küntzel

Oscar Küntzel

CPO and Co-founder

Why are finance professionals around the world choosing Quartr Pro?

With a broad global customer base spanning from equity analysts, portfolio managers, to IR departments, the reasons naturally vary, but here are four that we often hear:

Increase productivity

Eliminate hours of searching for specific data points buried deep inside company material.

Get a one-stop-shop solution

Everything you need for qualitative public market research in one single platform.

Uncover rare insights

Understand the qualitative aspects of entire industries or specific companies.

Leverage the power of AI

Incorporate AI functionality into your daily workflow.