Timeline: Track the Frequency of Mentions Over Time

1 minutes reading time
Published 27 Sep 2023
Reviewed by: Kasper Karlsson
Updated 26 Jun 2024

With events such as earnings calls, capital market days, and investor conferences serving as crucial sources of information for financial analysts, investors, and journalists, professionals are in search of tools that can help them analyze data beyond mere surface-level mentions. Enter Timeline, a feature of Quartr Pro subscribers. For those who wish to delve deeper, this tool allows users to track the frequency of mentions over time for any keyword in company events from 10,000+ public companies. Let's explore some real-life applications and the value this can provide.

Unique Data Analytics

While many platforms offer insights into brand mentions or general company presence, Timeline delves into the specifics. By entering "Generative AI" into the search bar, you can quickly track mentions of what is arguably the most heated buzzword in the capital markets of 2023.

Generative AI Mentions in Transcripts
Number of mentions of "Generative AI"

Gauging the Pulse

With Timeline, an analyst or investor can address questions like: Did a particular product line receive more mentions than in previous quarters? Or did the company's strategic direction shift, signaling a change in priority areas? An interesting observation can be made by searching for "buybacks'' to gauge the general trend on this topic. If you're interested in exploring what specific companies communicate on a subject, Quartr Pro's Master Search provides that capability.

Buybacks mentions in transcripts
Number of mentions of "Buybacks"

An Analytical Edge

Quartr Quartr Pro's vast coverage of 10,000+ public companies means users can keep a finger on the pulse of industry trends, competitors, and potential market disruptors. By monitoring the chatter and key mentions surrounding industry peers, you can more conveniently anticipate market shifts or even spot potential threats.

TikTok mentions in transcripts
Number of mentions of "TikTok"

Advanced Filters

Using the available filtering options, you can identify the percentage of transcripts where specific keywords have been mentioned, see the total number of mentions, and determine the total number of transcripts containing those mentions. You can also narrow down the results by years, quarters, and months, with a maximum range of 4 years. For more targeted insights, you can filter by specific companies, industries, and event types. For instance, this can help you understand how many times airline companies have mentioned fuel prices.

In Summary

Quartr Pro stands out as a premier tool for in-depth analysis of company events across 10,000+ public companies. Whether it's tracking buzzwords like "Generative AI" or identifying sentiment shifts, Quartr Pro offers unparalleled granularity. Its vast coverage ensures professionals remain updated on industry trends, truly giving users an analytical edge.

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